Sunday, 10 June 2007

Blacky, the racist dog...


This is my blog, about funny people and facts in Belgium, my country. In the Kingdom of Belgium there are a lot of funny famous people, and this is what this blog is all about...

So what can you guys expect, fun facts about the Belgian Royal family, famous belgian people, politicians and so on...

And the first post is about a new famous dog... Blacky... He came in the news for the first time last week, and because of the following.

There was a man from Nigeria, applying for a job. But when he arrived at what would be his new workfloor, the owner of the welding firm didn't even let the man in. He couldn't get the job, because of his dog. The dog, named Blacky, went bezerk, because of the colour of the man's skin. The dog is a notorious racist, who attacks every black man that comes near him.

The Nigerian man filed a complaint for racism, because he got refused the job because of the colour of his skin. But, the funny thing, the owner of the firm doesn't know what's wrong. According to him, he's not a racist, he even has moroccan friends! But hey, if someone wants to sue his dog, they can...

According to the man: "There's only a problem with black people: the dog even smells them. When the dog is back in the workshop, he storms to the gate like a bullet"

Blacky, the racist dog
ok, that's it for now, I'll be back soon with some more funny news from my country...

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